Matt Radford

Messing with links since <blink>

Notes from #wcuk – Rachel McCollin

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Created admin plugin for edupress.
Removed all meta boxes from WP dashboard – in fact, just removed standard WP dashboard

Welcome content – links to commonly used items

Video help section

Heavy use of CPTs

Callback function to create new screen.


Added a colour scheme & branding.
Large stylesheet to target dashboard elements with CSS.

Three levels of edupress: Bronze (minimum OFSTED requirements), Silver, Gold. Plugin for each of those levels, and a plugin for each which allows extra CPTs to be displayed as you go up the levels.

Filterable content blocks.

CPTs to create banners on home page, e.g. “Snow, school closed”. Also registers a submenu page

System doesn’t use standard pages at all, apart from 3 single pages. Everything else is CPTs.

Edit screens look more like standard WP. Help dialogue on right hand side – contextual help.

Both have experience in schools ICT.